Consultations- Covid Precautions.
I’m thrilled to soon be able to offer consultation appointments at the studio again.
My home Studio is now deemed Covid secure thanks to the measures we have put in place.
Needless to say, it’s really important that all studio visitors now adhere to these new protocols.
What Has Changed?
Funnily enough, there is no specific guidance from the Government about how I should offer consultation appointments at the studio, in fact there is no guidance for milliners at all.
As a result, I am requesting that visitors follow the guidance issued to beauty specialists plus a few extra measures aimed at those working in close proximity to others e.g. tailors and well as those in retail settings. Along with a healthy dose of common sense.
I will need to get close to you during your appointment to help you try on any potential designs, however I will aim to keep this proximity to a minimum.
With this in mind, please do wear a face covering when you attend for your appointment. If your face covering has been worn for a long time or is damp, I will have spare disposable masks in the studio.
I will also reciprocate by wearing a face mask too.
We have LOTS of hand sanitiser points however please feel free to bring and use your own hand-sanitiser as well.
Naturally, I hope it goes without saying, that if any of the following applies to you, please contact me as soon as possible to cancel your appointment.
- You are showing any Covid-19 or ANY other cough/flu-type symptoms.
- You are awaiting the results of a Covid-19 test
- You have been advised to have a Covid-19 test
OR you have recently been in contact with
- Anyone who has tested positive to Covid-19
- Anyone who is awaiting a Covid-19 test themselves
- Anyone who is showing Covid-19 or ANY other cough/flu-type symptoms themselves.
Arriving at Our home Studio
As with the rest of daily life, we have had to make a few changes -
I have always been open to you bringing a trusted advisor to your appointment, especially if you need assistance with any decision making.
- I am now only able to accept one visitor to the studio at a time.
This is to help me maintain my distance from you within my studio space. This could be awkward with more than one visitor at a time.
When I confirm your appointment, I will give you clear directions and make sure you have my phone number too…just in case you get lost or are delayed.
- I will ask you to sign into our visitors book, using your own pen. I will also ask you to sanitise your hands.
During Your Appointment
I clean all my door handles, light switches, plug switches and work surfaces on arrival to my home studio.
However, I will clean all high touch points again before your appointment – just to be on the safe side.
I will also have additional hand sanitiser in the studio for both of us to use if required.
I will keep an electronic record of your time of arrival and departure, in addition to your name, telephone and email address for HSE Test and Trace purposes. If you do not have the app and I am contacted, this is the information that will be passed on. This is information that you would provide to me as part of booking your appointment and it will be stored and used in accordance with my Privacy Notice.
As mentioned, I will keep my distance from you as frequently as possible and wear my mask throughout your visit.
I will also ensure that a window is open to improve ventilation, I may also prop the door open to aid air circulation.
Any designs that you try on during your appointment will be quarantined for a minimum of 3 days before being returned to my usual storage boxes.
Sadly, I will be unable to offer any refreshments during your appointment.
Leaving the Building
As with your arrival to the studio there is another opportunity to sanitise your hands .
After Your Appointment
If you develop Covid-19 symptoms or test positive for Covid-19 after attending your appointment, PLEASE notify me immediately by telephone.
I have a duty to inform my own close contacts to help keep them as safe as possible, not forgetting my friends and family.
Your understanding in this is greatly appreciated.
It goes without saying that should I suffer symptoms, I will contact you immediately too.
It is my greatest desire to remain Covid-19 free, so I will do everything I can to help reduce the risks to both my clients and myself.
I hope this guidance will help set your mind at rest when considering whether it is safe to book consultation appointments at the studio in the future.
If you have any further queries, or would like to discuss booking an appointment, please do contact me.